Download The Latest Complete Indonesia Map Full High Resolution (Full HD) 14,764 x 10,158 with the most complete information ranging from the State Capital, Provincial Capital, Regency/ City Capital, Islands, Islands, Airport, Port, Volcano, River, Takeoff Limit, EEZ Boundary, Territorial Sea Boundary, Baseline, Dasaar Point and so on.
The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is an archipelago in Maritime Southeast Asia located on the equator between the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the north and the Indian Ocean in the south. The country consists of about 17,000 islands in the Malay Archipelago, its sea region also known as Maritime Southeast Asia, East Indies, Indonesian Archipelago, and Spice Islands.
Latest Complete Map of Indonesia
This complete Map of Indonesia depicts the sovereign territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia on land and sea, both in the form of territorial sea (territorial sea), island waters, and inland waters, and on the sovereign rights of Indonesia in the Additional Zone, Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf, whose determination is carried out on the basis of laws and regulations and other legal instruments on Indonesia’s territorial boundaries, and in accordance with the principles of international law.

Latest Map of Indonesia – 2017 Scale 1:5,000,000
Full Map of Indonesia – 2015 Scale 1:5,000,000
Full Map of Indonesia – 2014 Scale 1:2,500,000
1. Gads Beach scale 1: 250,000, BIG, 2013.
2. Rupabumi Indonesia map scale 1: 250,000, BIG, 2013.
3. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) version 2.0 and ETOPO v1 version 2.0.
4. The unit boundary line of the autonomous region administration area refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs etc.
Indonesia has land borders with Malaysia (on the island of Borneo), Papua New Guinea (on the island of New Guinea), and Timor-Leste (on the island of Timor). The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia shares a sea border with 8 (eight) neighboring countries Australia, India, Palau, philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and China. As a result of the Territorial Claims of the People’s Republic of China, in the South China Sea there is an overlap of sea boundaries between the two countries around the Riau Islands.
Complete map of Indonesia with the name of the province

The entire island chain is located in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, the subduction zone where the Indo-Australian and Pacific Plates are pushed down the Eurasian plate, causing volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that can give rise to tsunamis (seismic ocean waves).
You are free to use the complete Indonesia map above for educational purposes, please download the political map of Indonesia by clicking the button below.
Political Map of Indonesia

The map of Indonesia above shows Indonesia and surrounding countries with international borders, the capital of Jakarta, provincial capitals, major cities, highways, railways, and major airports. Also read: List of National Holidays and Shared Holidays in 2021
Geographic Map of Indonesian

More about Indonesia
Indonesia is made up of several island groups. The Greater Sunda Islands include the largest islands in Indonesia, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan (along with Malaysia and Brunei) and Sulawesi (formerly known as Celebes),
World Internet Network Map

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